Indiana Serious Personal Injury Lawyer Talks School Zone Safety

On my way to work, I pass through three school Zones.  During the hours of 7:30 -9:00 am and 3:00-4:30 pm, the speed limit is reduced to 25 miles per hour.  In the last week, since school has been in session, I have had drivers race up to my back bumper and tailgate me from three feet behind, honk at me, yell at me and give me the finger,  as he raced around me on the right, all because I was travelling at 25 miles per hour for 2 blocks.  I know these people feel comfortable being that aggressive within the anonymous protection of their air conditioned womb, but I wish, just once we could all have a “It’s a wonderful Life” moment.  I wish that each one of these drivers could feel what it is like to stand over the bed holding the broken body of a child, their child, run over by a driver who wanted to get someplace three minutes faster.  I wish they could feel the agony of dropping that rose on the casket of their child as the most precious gift in their lives turns to dust.  I wish they could be that person on the side of the road tending a memorial to what they have lost.  I wish they could be awakened in the middle of the night to the cries of pain and need because the little body in the next room can no longer walk to go to the bathroom and needs help with taking care of the ordinary activities of living, like making it to the toilet on your own without having an accident.

 I wish Clarence, the Angel, could be with them as they realize the horror they feel when they realize that it was their own lack of caring for the welfare of others that has inflicted these agonies upon them.  Clarence would point out, as they are screaming, “No”, that it is their face upon which they must look as blame is being assessed and meted out.  I wish I could be there as Clarence takes each of them into his arms and comforts them.  Clarence will ask, “Do you believe in the sanctity of life?” and they will sob “I do”. Clarence will ask, “Do you understand the searing pain you cause when you think of no one but yourself?” and they will cry out, “I do, God help me, I do!”. Clarence will ask, “What will you do now?” and they will come to themselves at the stop light, just before the school Zone, sweating and shaking and sobbing, but they will know that honoring the safety rules designed to protect our children is their duty.  They will thank the Lord it was a dream, and smile at the faces of our children from 25 miles per hour and get where they are going three minutes later.

Serious Personal Injury and Foreseeability

A tragedy has once again occurred at the Indiana State Fair.  The canopy, or rigging, or roof (all terms bandied about to describe the structure) collapsed Saturday night killing five people.  Christina Santiago, Glenn Goodrich, Nathan Byrd and Alina Bigjohny  are gone.  We have heard the pundits talking about the collapse.  We have heard officials saying an investigation is underway.  What we do not hear a lot about is the issue of foreseeability.  No, this is not looking into a crystal ball to predict the future.  This is the practice of learning from the past to make judgments about what is likely to happen in the future.  With this in mind I offer a few insights.

Although Indiana is not in tornado alley, we do have our share of high speed wind events. In fact, we have such a good history of high wind events, we can predict, with confidence, that we will experience high wind events in August in Indianapolis.  We rarely see tornados in August, so we can say with some certainty that we are not likely to see tornados in August in Indianapolis.  But, we do see a lot of straight line winds.  These winds are of high intensity over a very short period of time.  These winds are observed to reach speeds of up to 100 miles per hour for very short blasts.  We never know where they might hit, but we do know that they are very often associated with the beginning of a storm front where the changes in air temperature can be great.

So, what is foreseeable? It is foreseeable that we will see high speed straight line winds in August in Indiana.  We do not know where they will appear, but they are most likely to appear at the beginning of a storm front.

Now, what do we know about temporary structures?  Well in the case of the structure that collapsed, we know that it is big enough, and heavy enough that if it collapses and lands on people, it will likely cause serious injury and wrongful death.  We also know that the closer the people are to the structure, the more likely they are to be killed and injured, if the structure collapses. Thus, it just makes sense that the structure be designed and erected knowing it may be in the path of a high speed wind event, and if therefore, it must be erected so that it can withstand that possibility.

I suggest to you it was foreseeable that high winds would hit the structure and if it was not erected to withstand those winds, it will collapse and seriously injure or cause the wrongful death of the innocents.      I hope that a complete and accurate statement of what happened comes to the fore.  In the mean time, our sympathies go out to the victims and their families.

Indiana Serious Personal Injury Lawyer and Keeping a Lookout

There is one rule of the road that seems to be violated more than others.  It is keeping a safe lookout.  A corollary to this rule of the road is to keep your car under control.  These are basic rules, so basic that we should not have to talk about them, but we do.  Violations of both these rules resulted in the wrongful death of a motorcyclist yesterday.  To put this another way (and to put it in perspective) a Hoosier died unnecessarily, a dead father cannot look after his children, children of a dead father will bear this burden for the rest of their days, a wife is without her friend and companion, a solid worker is no longer contributing to our society, schools etc.  It is because a driver did not see what was plainly there to see.  Is it because the driver was in a hurry?  I hope not.  She had her own granddaughter in her van as she pulled out of a parking lot and into the path of a man on a motorcycle.  The collision occurred on west 38th Street in Indianapolis.

We all know that motorcycles are on the road.  We all know that a quick glance, without stopping is not enough to always see what is plainly there.  A motorcycle has a bright headlight, it is plainly visible.  Slow down, take a better look.  Care for the life and welfare of the other guy.  He/She probably has a family that loves and needs them.  Even if they do not, they are entitled to live their life.  Be careful.

Riding in Bed Of Pickup leads to Personal Injury

As I was driving home, the other day, from our Personal Injury law firm, I saw a site that never ceases to amaze me.  I was stopped at the intersection of Delaware Street and Fall Creek Parkway on the near north side of Indianapolis.  I was the first car at the intersection waiting for the light to change.  The speed limit on Fall Creek is in the 30-45 mph range. A pickup truck was travelling east on Fall Creek.  In the bed of the truck, sitting on camp chairs, You know the type-cloth with a metal frame that squeeze shut and fit into a small bag, was what appeared to be a grandmother, and two small children.  Their hair was blowing and their faces were impassive, as if this was the most common thing in the world.  Of course the children do not know what danger they are in, but the driver and the grandmother must know the danger, and yet they apparently do not care.

While riding in a car or truck, a person is travelling at the same speed as the vehicle.  If the vehicle has to make a quick stop, the people in the bed are going to keep moving because they have no brake (ie the seatbelt). So they either fly out of the truck bed or they hit the truck itself.  A quick stop is the least dangerous action, and it can result in death or serious personal injury, so you know all the other actions, (hitting another car, swerving, rolling) can only lead to worse results.  Ejection from a vehicle almost always lead to serious personal injury such as brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injury and paralysis, amputations and wrongful death.  The only way to avoid such results is to not ride in the bed of a pickup.  Do not allow your friends or family to do it.  In this instance an ounce of prevention avoids a lifetime of whoa, or worse yet wrongful death.

Motorcyclist, Trucks and Wrongful Death

 It is a fact of life, the rule of gross tonnage.  This means that in a collision the vehicle with the highest gross tonnage is going to prevail.  In the situation involving a motorcycle accident with a truck, the motorcyclist is in the greatest danger of serious personal injury or wrongful death.   This is why it is so important for trucks to follow all safety rules and regulations to make sure their trucks are safe for operation on the road.  It can fairly be said that truck failures have much to do with a failure of proper maintenance and inspections.  It is not acceptable that a trucks brakes fail.  It is not acceptable for two reasons, the first is that with regular maintenance, a trucks brakes will not fail.  The second is because the harm a truck can do to a passenger in a car, or a rider of a motorcycle can be catastrophic.  The damage is easy to imagine, broken bones, spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis, brain injuries, amputations and wrongful death.  It is hard to imagine having to endure these damages simply because the trucking company was taking short cuts and endangering people’s lives.

Just such a motorcycle crash happened in Indianapolis yesterday.  The motorcyclist was exiting I465 onto west bound 56th street.  The motorcyclist had the right of way.  As the motorcyclist entered the intersection, a box truck operated by Christopher Schell, of Kokomo, entered the intersection and struck the motorcycle causing the wrongful death of the rider.  The truck was apparently towing a trailer and could not stop.  Clearly it is foreseeable that if you increase the load a truck is pulling or carrying, you are going to increase the stopping distance and the pressure on the brakes.  Although it is not yet known whether the brakes did not respond properly or the driver did not properly judge his stopping distance.  In either event, an avoidable collision occurred and resulted in the wrongful death of an innocent Hoosier.  Our sympathies go out to the family for their loss.

Indianapolis Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Discusses Preventing Friends from Driving Drunk

We have preached over and again about the dangers of drunk driving.  We have talked about making the personal decision not to drink and drive.  However, we have left off the issue of preventing your friends from drinking and driving.  As we all know, the drunk driving accident causes wrongful death and serious personal injury including brain injury, spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis, broken bones, amputations and other very serious and debilitating injuries.  The social cost of drunk driving accidents is in the billions of dollars in terms of medical bills, lost wages, inability to work and support ones family.  We all know that there are people who have not made the commitment to themselves and to the rest of their fellow Hoosiers to not drink and drive.  These folks will get drunk and not think twice about the harm they are going to cause.  There are also those who, because they are drunk, have forgotten their sensible commitment not to drink and drive.  It is for both these groups of people that the friend needs to step in and prevent a tragedy.

In this light, we salute the efforts of Timothy Bolger, age 20, for his efforts to stop his friend from drinking and driving drunk.  On Tuesday night, August2, 2011, Mr. Bolger’s friend, one Madeline Lemke, age 18 was at a party where the friends of Patrick Trainor were gathered.  You may remember Mr. Trainor, he, lost his life when he drove into a retention pond and drowned a few years ago.  Mr. Bolger tried to stop Ms. Lemke from drinking and driving.  Unfortunately for Mr. Bolger, Ms. Lemke was too intoxicated to respect his efforts and injured him with her car, while he was trying to stop her from driving.  We wish Mr. Bolger a speedy and full recovery while we acknowledge his bravery and empathy for other Hoosiers using our roads.  His efforts stopped Ms. Lemke from killing others on the road.

Anytime there is a gathering where alcohol is being served, non alcoholic drinks and water should be made available.  The designated driver must be found and supported.  There job is so important to the welfare of everyone.  The designated driver should have available to them the number of a reputable cab company, and the ability to talk to those who are drunk so that they see the danger they are putting themselves in and the danger they are putting others in.

Indianapolis Serious Injury Attorney Talks About Rehabilitation Hospitals

Every one knows that when a person suffers a serious personal injury, whether it be in a car accident, a drunk driving accident, semi tractor-trailer accident or construction accident, the injured person is taken to a hospital. At the hospital, the patient is assessed for injuries, stabilized and treated. The stay in the hospital may be for less than 24 hours or it may be for several weeks. This part of the patient’s recovery is called the acute phase of recovery. This is true whether the injury is a brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injury paralysis, burns or amputation. However, once the patient has reached a certain point in their recovery, but still needs assistance in the form of therapies, including physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapies, or requires assistance to relearn to take care of their activities of daily living, they are likely to be transferred from the acute care hospital to a post acute care hospital, also known as a rehabilitation hospital.

Many rehabilitations hospitals exist in the Indianapolis metropolitan area, including the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indianapolis, and Hook Rehabilitation Hospital. These hospitals focus on helping patients continue their recovery by focusing on the therapies and teaching techniques that will allow the revering patient to step back into their normal lives. These facilities are generally less expensive than the acute care hospitals. There are no surgeries performed at these hospitals, they do not have emergency rooms nor do they have intensive care facilities. The medical staff generally uses a team approach to help patients further their recovery. The team may include a Physiatrist (a doctor that specializes in physical and rehabilitation medicine), a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, educators who specialize in dietary needs, and transition back to home living.

If you, or a loved one, are told that you will be transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation hospital, rest assured it is in your best interest.

Damages can be to property (trees) as well as person

We most often get calls when someone is seriously injured as a result of an auto accident or other event that causes wrongful death or injury as a result of negligence.  Damages can come in the form of injury to  property as well. A recent example is occurring in the form of  damage to trees including mainly Norway spruce and white pines. A relatively new lawn care herbicide is believed to be causing damage to these trees which may require their removal and replacement. A recent notice from DuPont indicates that the herbicide Imprelis may be harming the trees.  IF you have pines or spruce trees that appear to be dying in an area where this product was used you should call contact the State Chemist office (765-494-1582) and file a report to have your damage investigated and documented. If the damages were causes by negligent application then there may be insurance coverage to help defray the cost of removal and replacement. Another source to contact is your homeowners to see if you have purchased protection against  these types of losses.  In either situation a valuable tool to help prove the loss is an official investigation by the state chemist.

When Should You First Consult a Lawyer and Why – Personal Injury Attorney

You should not wait to consult with a lawyer if you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. A lawyer specializing in personal injury generally will not charge for a consultation and you should not have to sign any contract just to get some initial advice. Things to discuss include  how should your medical bills  be paid after an injury.  This could include, depending on the facts, whether workers compensation should be involved or whether  health insurance or medical payments coverage through your own policy should come into play.  There are deadlines that you should be aware of in the event your injury is a result of a governmental entity fault.  They often require a notice to be sent within 180 days of an injury. Whether you should give the other sides insurance company a statement is also an important decision that you should consult with a lawyer  before agreeing to do…These are just a few of the possible issues that you should be educated on before agreeing to do anything.Even if you are planning on handling the claim on your own a consultation now could prevent problems for your claim in the future..

What is the Process involved in your Social Security Disability Claim

As your Indiana Social Security Disability Lawyers, operating out of our Indianapolis offices, we pride ourselves on courteous, friendly service.  That is why you will always be working with an attorney through every step of the process.  I often receive questions about whether a claimant needs an attorney in the application process, and what happens if you are turned down on the first application.  Well, here is a short hand version of my standard answer.  Of course every situation is different, so if you have a specific question give us a call.

To file an application you can do it on line.  Go to  Be careful, there are copy cat sites, so type in this address carefully (You can right click on the blue address and then paste it into the address bar on your browser.)   Or if you are not computer savvy, go to your local office.  Either way I recommend you have 4 lists ready and with you.  1.  Your medical providers with addresses; 2. Your medications with side effects, 3. Your jobs for the last 15 years including what you did physically at the job such as I sat most of the time or I walked most of the time, I lifted so many pounds frequently, etc, and 4, A complete list of your disabling conditions.  I cannot stress enough that this list must be complete.  When this is complete you may be, later, asked to see a doctor of the Administrations choosing.  Make sure you get to that appointment.  The whole process takes about 3-4 months.  If you are turned down on your application.  Do not despair, most people are turned down.  Call me and we will do the following.

First we will file a Request for Reconsideration for you. The process after the filing of the Req. For Recon. is loosely as follows. All additional records are obtained by the social security administration.  They may ask you to see another of their doctors, but that is not common.  I will have access to your efile within 10 days of mailing in my Appointment of Rep. form.  I will assess the file to see if we should ask for a determination on the record.  Such a determination is usually performed by an attorney working for the Administration.  They have a little bit more discretion than other SSA employees but not as much as a judge.  The whole process takes three to four months.  If you are denied at this level, then we file the request for Hearing before Administrative Law Judge and essentially follow the same process just described.  It is important to keep me informed of any changes in your medical condition so that we may obtain any additional records.

There are as many different issues as there are claimants, so I cannot answer every question in this short paragraph.  I am always happy to speak with you on the phone.

Another Chinese Product Recalled

On June 23 ,2011 the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a voluntary recall of Circo Aloma Infant Giris Sandals imported by TargetDecorative flowers on the sandals can detach and pose a choking hazard.  Thankfully no one was injured yet.   This does point out a problem that injured persons face when injured by products that are not recalled before someone is injured and that is when products are manufactured overseas (e.g. China) then the ability of injured persons   to seek justice in our courts is made much more difficult and expensive if not almost impossible.   For additional information regarding this and other products recalled go to .

What Does State Minimum Auto Insurance Mean in Indiana?

Why does the State of Indiana require that there be minimum insurance?  As your Indiana Serious personal Injury lawyer, we see firsthand the kinds of harm car accidents can cause.  It does not matter if the crash is a drunk driving accident or a highway accident. These harms, including brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis or amputation, can interfere with any Hoosiers ability to earn a living and enjoy their life.  So when a driver carries the minimum state limit of liability insurance coverage, that is all the insurance company will have to pay you even if your injuries cost you far more than the amount available.  The State minimum insurance amount in Indiana is $25,000.00.  If you are injured and your injuries require you to be in the hospital for a few days, your medical bills will get high quickly and $25,000.00 probably is not going to fairly compensate you.  What do you do then?  Well you can sue the other driver, but chances are that the other driver has state minimum limits because they have little in assets and the state minimum is all they can really afford.  Therefore, A judgment against that person does little good because there is little chance they will ever be able to fairly compensate you for their negligence.

Your best defense is buying three different kinds of insurance in addition to your liability coverage.  The first two are very similar and are called Uninsured Motorist coverage (UM) and then Underinsured motorist coverage (UIM). If the drunk driver, or any driver, has no insurance your claim will be against your own UM coverage.  If the other driver has state minimum coverage then your claim will be against your own UIM coverage because the State minimum coverage was not enough to cover all your losses.  I recommend you purchase as high a limit of UM/UIM coverage as you can afford.  After all, it may be the only insurance available if you have a serious personal injury or even a wrongful death.

The other type of insurance is medical payments insurance.  This insurance will pay your medical bills, up to the limit of coverage you purchase, for injuries sustained while a passenger in your car. It is a kind of health insurance. It comes in very handy when you have a high deductible on your regular health policy.  Med Pay Insurance is very affordable.  I recommend that you buy as much as you can, but at a minimum you should buy an amount equal to your deductable on your health insurance.  That way you will have little or nothing out of pocket if you are hurt in a crash or accident.

Photograph or Video When Someone is Injured Says Indiana Injury Attorney

If you are a witness to someone being injured or are injured yourself it is important to get photographs or video of the scene of the injury at the time or as near the time of the event as possible.  Subjects for photographing  could include vehicles location, damages and people at the scene. Other subjects for video or photographs  could include stairs ,walkways,ice conditions etc.The importance of documenting the scene of the injury may not seem important at the time but months later when trying to describe why or  how someone was injured the video or photographs can be extremely important to show just exactly what occurred. E.G. if a store says wet floor signs were in place , photos taken at the time showing no signs can help to establish the truth of what actually occurred. Most everyone has a cell phone with some video capability.If you are injured then obtaining this information can be invaluable later on.IF you witness someone being injured then taking pictures or video can be invaluable to them at a later date.  You should always be sure that you give your name and contact information to the injured person or someone who knows them. By taking these few measures you can assist in making sure that the truth of what occurred prevails.

Motorcycle Helmets and Serious Personal Injury or Wrongful Death

         I am always amazed at people I see riding bikes and scooters and motorcycles without helmets. I am even further amazed and how strongly some of these people feel about laws requiring the use of helmets.  A couple years ago, the Indiana legislature was all set to pass a mandatory helmet law.  On the day of the final vote several hundred motorcyclists filled the halls of the state house to voice their opposition to mandatory helmet laws.  I understand smaller government, but I do not understand not wearing a helmet.

In what must be one of the most ironic stories of the year,  Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws died after he flipped over the bike’s handlebars and hit his head on the pavement. 55-year-old Philip A. Contos of Parish, N.Y., was driving a 1983 Harley Davidson with a group of bikers who were protesting helmet laws by not wearing helmets. He hit his brakes and toppled over the handlebars. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. Troopers say Contos would have likely survived if he had been wearing a helmet.  We are saddened for Mr. Contos’ family.  However, this story is a teaching moment.  Helmets prevent more serious injuries.  Helmets are comfortable.  Helmets should be worn at all times.

I often wonder if the same folks who do not want to be told by the government to wear a helmet, have any objection to receiving social security and Medicare for the rest of their lives after a severe brain injury in a motorcycle accident.  After all, for the rest of their lives the Government they did not want telling them what to do, will be telling them what to do for the rest of the lives.

Texting and Driving, a Recipe for Serious Injury and Wrongful Death

 A few days ago we wrote about the dangers of distracted driving.  In that discussion we talked about texting and driving.  Well, one of our own brought home the importance of the discussion yesterday. Lucas Harrison of Richmond just had to get that last text out.  He was driving his car in Richmond, and texting in violation of the new anti texting law.  He was distracted from his duty on the road to pay attention by his texting.,  the next thing he knows he is driving through a medical building and coming out on the other side. The good news is that no one was injured.  Mr. Harrison’s car is a total loss, and the building requires big repairs.  All because Mr. Harrison was distracted while driving.

If you doubt how dangerous texting and driving is Mr. Harrison could come to your home and give you a firsthand demonstration.  Imagine if someone had been sitting in that building in Harrison’s path.  Imagine it was a mother and two children.  Imagine it was you and your children or grandchildren.  Mr. Harrison’s thoughtless actions could have resulted in the wrongful death of fellow Hoosier.  It could have resulted in serious personal injury such as  spinal cord injury, brain injury, broken bones, paralysis.  It could have wiped out a family or taken the bread winner from their family.  No good comes from texting and driving.  It is a selfish and thoughtless act.  It demonstrates a complete lack of concern for the welfare of our fellow Hoosiers.  Mr. Harrison, you were lucky. Take this opportunity to make a difference.  Never text and drive again.  Do what you can to get this message out.

Horseplay is Dangerous Driving

 As your Indiana Serious Injury Lawyers, we at Young and Young want you to talk with your kids about horseplay. Horseplay is any action of a passenger or passengers, that distracts the driver of a car.  Horseplay can be as dangerous as drunk driving.  The reason we have drunk driving accidents is because the driver’s reflexes are too slow and their thinking is impaired.  We have talked quite a bit about the dangers of drunk driving and drunk driving accidents.  A car can be, in the hands of a driver who is not fully attuned to the road, a dangerous machine.  Passengers, do not take actions that will demand the attention of the driver away from the road.

 Indiana auto accident attorneysA collision in Noblesville, over the holiday weekend, is more evidence of the dangers associated with distracting a driver. Nicholas Killinger was northbound on Ind. 37, just south of 206th street, when he was distracted by a passenger.  Killinger’s pickup truck crossed the center line on collided head-on with a Kia Spectra driven by Daniel Stone.  Daniel Stone, and his passenger, Lisa Stone both suffered wrongful death as a result of Mr. Killinger being distracted. Mr. Killinger’s passengers were seriously injured in the accident. 

Anything that distracts a driver away from their duty of operating a car safely must be avoided. Other examples of common distractions include texting while driving, driving while talking on the cell phone, reading anything such as a map or a paper, the list goes on and on.  If you must do anything that will take your attention away from the road, please pull of the road to a safe location and take care of your business.  After you have safely concluded your work, drive again.  Parents, please have this discussion with your children.  Children, please have this conversation with your parents and your friends. We all want to get where we are going safely.  Avoiding distracted driving will help us all.

Indiana Serious Injury Lawyer knows Speed Kills

It is a common headline, but when it is somebody famous the point is publicized more. “Jackass” star Ryan Dunn died in a fiery car crash in suburban Philadelphia early Monday morning. Of the more shocking details of this crash include that Mr. Dunn texted a picture of himself drinking not long before the crash, the car left over one hundred feet of skid marks, the car was unrecognizable, for a while the damage left the passenger unrecognizable, the car was travelling well over one hundred miles an hour.  Speed Kills.  It causes wrongful death and spinal cord injuries, paraplegia, and brain injury, broken bones and leaves families shattered.

It robs us of so much.  Where is James Dean, Princess Diana and Harry Chapin?

Speed does not just kill famous people.  Our hearts go out to the parents of two young men killed in Muncie, Indiana where authorities believe speed cost the young men their lives. Myles Swoboda, and Jake C. Monroe both suffered wrongful death in a crash involving speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour.

Parents, share these stories with your young drivers, it may save their lives.

Indiana Auto Accident Attorney – Beware of Signing a Release Too Early

Often when someone is injured in a crash or by some other method as a result of someone’s negligence the insurance carrier for the party at fault will come in early and offer a small settlement in exchange for signing a “release”.  An injured person who signs the release gives up all of their rights regardless of how seriously they are injured. It does not matter how many medical bills you have or future medical bills you might have because  a release stops all responsibility on the party at faults behalf. It is not unusual for someone to come to our office after learning that they are hurt worse than they originally suspected. They might have future medical bills and lost wages that they did not anticipate when they signed the release. The reality is that when they sign the release they lose the right to seek fair compensation. You should never sign a release until you are released from you doctor after a thorough examination and period of time to make sure that you are not more seriously hurt that anticipated. Another problem with signing a release it that you might limit or stop your own health insurance companies duty to pay bills if you release the wrongdoer.  You can even limit , reduce or eliminate your ability to make a claim under your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage if a release is signed too early and without the proper steps being followed. It is always best to consult with a lawyer familiar with this area of law before signing on the dotted line. It is often too late when you come to a lawyers office with a signed release in hand.

Serious Injury Lawyer Says Watch Out For Cyclists

The roads are not reserved for the two four wheel variety of transportation. Now that the warm months are upon us, we are seeing more bicycles and motorcycles sharing our roads.  This recognition is the first essential in helping to protect our two wheeled Hoosiers.  Cyclist are not generally as visible as a car.  So, all drivers must keep in mind to be on  the lookout for them.  Keep in mind that if you hit a cyclist and cause serious personal injury, such as a spinal injury, paraplegia, broken bones or even wrongful death, you may not be able to forgive yourself.  Knowing that you have interfered with a fellow Hoosier’s ability to work, earn a living and support their family is a heavy burden.

Sue Ann Vanderbeck is struggling with the guilt and consequences of her negligence this very moment. (Remember, negligence is the failure to use reasonable care, in other words to be on the lookout for a cyclist and avoid impact).  On September 30, 2010, at about 12:30 a.m. Mrs. Vanderbeck struck a police officer on a training ride on U.S. 40 west of Knightstown, IN.  She left the scene.  William Phillips suffered wrongful death as a result of her actions.  I am certain that not a moment goes by that Mrs. Vanderbeck does not wish that she could change the events of that night and let Officer Phillips return to his family. Unfortunately for all involved, that is not possible.

Take a lesson from the tragedy of Officer Williams and Mrs. Vanderbeck, keep an extra sharp lookout for cyclists sharing the road.  An ounce of prevention prevents a lifetime of guilt, grief and loss.

Indiana Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer discusses Drunk Boating

We all know about drunk driving accidents and how they cause wrongful death and serious personal injury to the victims. I have written several blog entries on the subject of DWI. Given all the attention to automobiles, it is likely that boating while intoxicated may be overlooked.  The laws against operating a motor vehicle apply with equal force to motor boats, after all, a motor boat is a motor vehicle.  It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle, including a motor boat with a blood alcohol level of .08 or more.  It is also illegal to operate a motor boat in an impaired state. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and other law enforcement agencies, are charged with the task of enforcing these laws on our state lakes, reservoirs and rivers.  That’s right, it is illegal  operate a boat on White River in an impaired state.  I know it has been more than twenty years ago, but the shock of the accident is still strong.  Two boats collided on the white river near the Keystone Bridge in Indianapolis.  One boat was taking a slow cruise.  The other boat was travelling at a high speed.  The fast moving craft road up and over the slower moving vessel and killed a passenger on the slower moving vessel.  Alcohol was a factor in the collision.

We recommend that boaters take the same preventative steps as car travelers and designate a designated driver.  Bring plenty of water and soft drinks.  These soft drinks and water are not only for the designated driver, but are also for the others on the boat.  The combination of consuming alcohol in the direct sun will cause dehydration, a dangerous condition. We love to boat.  We love to boat with our friends.  We love people who take responsibility for their actions by planning ahead and are prepared to protect themselves and all others on the waterways.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.