Social Security & Old Age Retirement Benefits in Indiana

Indianapolis Social Security Attorney

If You Are Already Retired, Can You Still Receive Disability Benefits?

I just received an email asking me about the inter relationship between Social Security Disability and Social Security Old Age and Retirement benefits.  The question was essentially as I am already receiving Old Age Retirement benefits, I assume I am not entitled to Disability benefits.   To answer this question it is important to know a little about each of these benefits.  Each is supposed to have its own fund of money.  Thus if one is on disability the payment is from the Disability fund.  If one is drawing Old Age retirement benefits those benefits come from that fund.  Each fund has its own administrative procedures for processing and paying claims.

You Can Increase Your Monthly Benefits If You Are Disabled & Retired

It is true that when a person is on disability prior to the age of 65, then the benefits will change to Old Age Retirement Benefits upon achieving the age of 65.  However we must consider the effect of electing to receive Old Age Retirement benefits at age 62.  As you know, if a 62 year old elects to take Old Age Retirement benefits they will receive them, but at a reduced monthly benefit amount.  Now, if that same person becomes disabled between age 62 and age 65, that person may still apply for disability benefits even though they are receiving reduced Old Age Retirement benefits. So, why would  an eligible person make such an election.  The reason is that if that person is determined to be disabled, then their monthly benefits will increase to the same amount as if they had waited until age 65 to receive Old Age Retirement benefits.  Therefore, there is a very real incentive to filing for disability if you are in fact disabled.

Need Help With Filing SSI or SSID? We Can Help!

If you have a question about these issues, please give me a call to talk through your questions.

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

What is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death is the causing of death of another person, either through intentional acts or through negligent acts. If the acts are intentional there may be both a criminal case (for Murder) and a civil case (for damages arising from the wrongful death).

Example of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Intentional Act – OJ Simpson

For an example think of the OJ Simpson case.  In that case OJ Simpson was prosecuted for murder in the death of his wife Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldberg.  He was found not guilty of those charges in the criminal case.  Then the family of Ron Goldberg sued OJ Simpson in a civil case for wrongful death.  They won and received a judgment against Mr. Simpson.  That judgment remains unpaid because Mr. Simpson claimed he did not have the money to pay it.

Does Insurance Cover Wrongful Death?

You may be wondering why Mr. Simpson’s insurance company did not pay the judgment.  The reason is that insurance policies exclude coverage for intentional acts, and as the families proved that Mr. Simpson intentionally caused the wrongful death of Mr. Goldberg, the insurance company was not required to pay.

Examples of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Negligent Act

As we stated earlier, Wrongful death can also be caused by negligent acts.  Negligent acts are acts that are not intentional, but result from a person not being careful.  Examples of negligent acts include drunk driving, running a stop sign, driving a semi tractor-trailer without performing proper maintenance, not following the safety rules on a construction site.  There are many, many example of negligent behavior.   The wrongful death claim is controlled by the Indiana Wrongful Death Statute (IC 34-23-1-1, IC 34-1-1-2, and IC 34-23-2-1).  Potential damages arising out of wrongful death include the loss of wages of the deceased, medical bills to treat the deceased’s last illness, burial and funeral expense, loss of love and affection and attorneys fees. The persons to who these damages flow are the spouse and children of the deceased (if the children are 18 or younger or full time students up to age 23) and any person who is dependent upon the deceased.

Need Help Filing A Wrongful Death Claim in Indiana?

There are a great many other legal variables at work in any claim where a person dies as the result of another’s negligence.  If you are struggling with the wrongful death of a loved one, or know someone who is and you have questions, or need help, please contact us today.  We charge no fee for the initial consultation and we will come to your home or any location you feel is best.

Social Security Disability on Your Parents Earnings History

Yes, a child who is disabled may file their claim for benefits based on their parents earnings history in certain circumstances.  I know you are asking yourself, “why would my child benefit from filing on my earnings history, as opposed to his own.  The answer lies in the difference between Title II Disability (SSDI) and Title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  SSDI pays more per month.  SSDI entitles the recipient to Medicare.  SSDI has fewer restrictions.  SSI is essentially welfare and therefore has many restrictions including set offs for support received from other sources.  SSI pays less per month.  As an SSI recipient, who has not worked, it is likely that you will not be eligible for Medicare.  So, now you know that if you can, you want to apply under your parents earnings history to be eligible for SSDI.  What now?

Indianapolis Social Security Attorney First, the rules which cover eligibility for a child on the parent’s earnings history are found in 20 CFR parts 400-499.  More specifically the rules are found at 20 CFR Section 404.350.  Generally to be eligible under these provisions you must be the child of a covered individual who has either died or is currently receiving SSDI or retirement benefits.  You must be either under 18, or you are 18 or older and your disability began before you turned 22 or you are 18 or older and qualify as a full time student under section404.367.  Of course you also have to apply under the parents social security number.  Other rules do apply, but a complete description in the blog would take several pages.

If you think you qualify, but are not sure and have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Wrongful Death of Teen Drivers

Auto Accident AttorneysA week ago I penned a blog entry about texting and driving.  We see it all the time in our practice causing all kinds of serious personal injuries to our clients.  I wrote that teens seem to be more aware about the dangers of drunk driving accidents and are using good judgment in using cabs or designated drivers.  I also talked about the dangers texting and how it causes the driver to have the same attentive cognition as a drunk driver.  Unfortunately my worries were confirmed by a study released by the Governors Highway Safety AssociationApparently in the first half of 2012 traffic deaths among drivers ages 16 and 17 increased sharply in Indiana.  The statistic is frightening, in January 2011 we lost 3 souls, in 2012 we lost 16 children of Hoosier families.  The report  places blame at the altar of the distracted driver.  This includes texting drivers.  We can’t blame this increase on texting alone, but it is a significant contributing factor.  Think about it, we take an inexperienced driver operating a 2000 pound torpedo and then we mix in a cell phone for texting.  It is a recipe for disaster

The government is doing what it can to address this health issue, but as I stated before, we cannot rely on the government to fully address this problem.  Parents, talk to your children.  Show them these statistics.  Teachers, talk to your students, show them these statistics. In order to reduce or eliminate these problems, it will take a village to educate our children. 

Let it start with me and the example I set.  I pledge not to text and drive.  I pledge to speak with my children.

Do We Handle Civil Lawsuits in Indianapolis, IN?

Does Young & Young Handle Civil Lawsuits?

I received a call today from a potential client.  She said she had been on our website and saw that we handled cases involving automobile accidents, drunk driving accidents, semi tractor-trailer accidents , construction accidents and the like.  She also said she knew that we worked frequently with people who have serious personal injury including brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, paralysis and disability.  However she did not know whether we handled civil suits.  This made me think that our website needs a little clarification.

Types of Legal Proceedings

There are two basics types of legal proceeding,  Criminal and Civil

What is a Criminal Legal Proceeding?

Criminal proceedings (aka criminal cases, criminal suits, criminal prosecutions) involve the government charging an individual with a crime. 

What is a Civil Legal Proceeding?

Civil proceedings (civil suits, civil claims, civil lawsuits, or civil administrative matters) involve all other types of legal proceedings.  All claims involving serious personal injury are civil suits. This is all we do.

Young & Young is Dedicated to Civil Lawsuits

Basically, we represent anyone who has been seriously injured and the facts of their case establish that their injuries were caused by the negligence of another person.  We carefully screen each case to make sure that the facts of any claim support the claim for serious injury. We do not waste our time on frivolous claims.

Need A Top Civil Law Firm in Indianapolis?

Schedule a FREE Consultation with Young & Young Today!

If you have been injured by the negligence of another person, please call or email us, we want to help.

Dangers of Texting While Driving

Texting While Driving is Very Similar to Drunk Driving

Statistics tell us that a person who is texting while driving is distracted to the point that the driver is the equivalent of a drunk driver. 

Is Your Teenager Informed About the Dangers of Texting & Drinking While Driving?

I am pleased to report that in my world the teenagers I encounter are well educated about the danger of drunk driving.  I hear many stories about parents who speak frankly with their children about drunk driving.  This may include telling them to stay where they are, call a cab which will be paid for no questions asked when they arrive home, or even getting up and picking them up.  We are not condoning teen alcohol consumption and believe that all steps must be taken to educate teens about the dangers of alcohol, the positive features of abstinence and moderation.  However, we know that teens are, at sometime, going to experiment.  This means they will lose control.  This mean they must know that we are there to help them when they need it.

Texting While Driving Can Have Severe Consequences

Although education programs are increasing teen awareness of the dangers of texting while driving (TWD) more must be done.  Parents, the laws against TWD are difficult to enforce.  We cannot rely upon the police to protect our children.  We must talk with them in the same way we must talk with them about the dangers of drunk driving.  Serious personal and wrongful death are the consequences of TWD.  Not only does TWD pose a threat to others on the road, but it is a threat to the texter. Paralysis, broken bones, brain injury and other serious personal injury await those who text and drive.

Don’t Text & Drive – It Can Wait!

Put that phone down, or stop at a safe location.  Your friends will understand if your response is delayed.  If they do not, they are not true friends.

Dear Drunk Driver

You are at a party, a bar, in your home.  You choose to drink alcohol.  You don’t think much of it, everyone does it.  Your start to feel good.  If you don’t feel invincible, you don’t really care about anything.  Your sense are dulled, and you are sluggish.  It is time to go home.  It is time to go to another bar.  It is time to get fast food.  You do what you always do, you go for your car keys.  Only most of the time you are not drunk.  Now you are, and you are getting into a 2000 pound powerhouse of glass steel and rubber.  You do not think what it takes to operate this machine safely, heck you have been driving safely for years, you say to yourself, I can handle it.  You don’t think about what the energy in this car can do to the human body.  You don’t think about the horrific personal injuries you can inflict.  You don’t imagine what it must be like to lie in a bed, trapped in a body that no longer moves because it is paralyzed.  You don’t think about what it must be like for the injured Hoosier to lie awake at night and deal with the anxieties that afflict one who is responsible for taking care of a family and can no longer do that.  You don’t think about the little child who wakes up and has to be told that his mommy won’t be coming home because she has suffered wrongful death at the hands of one who does not think, or care..

It would be nice if an angel could show you what your thoughtlessness does to families, but that is not the world we live in.  We have to anticipate the consequences of our actions, and take steps to ensure that we do not needlessly endanger those around us.  Think while you are sober about the dangers.  Drum it into your head. Maybe, just maybe, if you do that you will choose not to be a drunk driver, and another family will be allowed to enjoy each other and the security a family provides.

High Speed, Ice and Semi Tractor Trailers

Indianapolis Personal Injury AttorneysYesterday, it seems, was a bad day for semi tractor trailer crashes.  Two multiple vehicle pile ups occurred.  One in Indianapolis, just west of the city on I-70.  The second took place in Detroit.  Unfortunately three people suffered wrongful death and as many ten people suffered personal injury.  Reading about these events reminded me of my recent brush with catastrophe. I was traveling south on I-65 and was near the Southport exit.  It was snowing hard and the normally three lane road was compressed into two lanes with the left hand lane partially covered with snow.  Almost all the traffic was travelling at a reduced rate of speed.  Most of the semi tractor trailers were in the left hand lane and were travelling about 45 miles per hour.  This is in keeping with the Federal Motor Safety Carrier Act rules regarding reduced speed on a highway in bad weather conditions.  In additions the truckers were maintaining plenty of room between them and the next truck.  This is another good safety procedure, given that if the truck in front loses control, there may be room and time enough for the second truck to avoid hitting the first truck.

I am in the left lane and travelling about 50 miles per hour.  In front of me is another car going the same speed.  I honor the 2 second rule I was taught in drivers ED. many, many years ago.  I am passing a semi tractor trailer, and the snow it is kicking up is almost blinding me.  I say to myself to remain calm, keep control and I will get by.  Just as I am saying this, a car approaches me from the rear.  I can see it is going much faster than I am, but there is nowhere for me to go, so I brace.  The car comes up on my rear, less than a car length behind me and flashes their lights.  I think to myself, “Where am I going to go, and where does this person think they are going”.  What I am now sure of is that if there is any trouble with my car, the truck immediately to my right, or even the car in front of me, this car in back is going to hit me and all hell is going break loose.  I keep my cool and slowly move past the truck and ease into the right lane.  This takes about 5 minutes.  As I do, the car behind me, with a 20 something at the wheel gives me a dirty look, looks down at her phone and runs right up on the tail of the driver in front.

I was glad to be rid of my tailgater.  However, I am hoping this little story will help you remember to reduce speed on the highway, give the car in front plenty of room, and remember that everyone on the road deserves to get home to their loved ones alive and safe.

How to Get Medical Bills Paid When Injured

Learn Helpful Tips to Get Your Medical Bills Paid

When you are injured and have lost wages, have medical bills and serious injuries you are confronted with financial hurdles you were not expecting. If you remember these tips it can save you some stress and get your medical bills paid more easily and efficiently.

The Party that Caused Your Injury Is NOT Always the Best Path Forward

If you are injured in a traffic accident, a fall, by product failure or other means you are going to incur medical expenses.  Often injured people think the other side (i.e. the person or business that caused their injury) should pay for their medical expenses.  This is not always the best path.

There Maybe Alternative Paths with BETTER Outcomes

Sometimes you have no choice, for example if you are hurt at work your workers compensation should pay medical expenses and some wage loss for your injuries. Note however even if you are hurt at work there may be another party that also caused your injury and you may have a personal injury claim against them as well.  That is helpful because workers compensation does not pay for all your injuries and harms. If you are a trucker in a truck collision you may have a workers compensation claim and a claim against other driver(s) who contributed to the collision occurring. This claim would compensate you for your full wages,  pain and suffering and other harms not covered under workers compensation. 

You Could Lose Control of Your Medical Care

If it is not workers compensation then having the “at fault ” parties insurance paying for your expenses takes your control of your medical care out of your hands and places control of your medical care in the hands of the wrongdoers insurance company.   That can be disastrous. When the other insurance company says they will pay but then does not do so promptly or disagrees with the method or amount of treatment it can affect your physical recovery and economic recovery.  This can affect your ability to get well and gives them control over your care. 

3 Types of Insurance to Cover Medical Expenses

There are usually 3 types of insurance that could help you with your medical expenses.

1) Workers Compensation Insurance

The first is workers compensation if you are hurt at work and we have discussed that already.

2) Your Health Insurance

The second is your own health insurance, if you have it. This could include private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid.

3) Med Pay

The third type of coverage is what is called med pay and it is like a  health insurance that is tied to a particular vehicle or location and will pay a limited amount of medical bills. Health care providers will want to use you med pay first because they will get more money that way. For your protection you are better to have medical providers bill your insurance ( even if it is Medicare or Medicaid first ) and use your med pay to pay any deductible or co-pays.  This gives you the best protection and gets your bills paid.

The last thing you need when injured in collision, or accident is for a collection agency to keep calling you regarding an unpaid medical bill.

If a medical provider refuses to bill your health insurance or an insurer refuses to pay a bill you should consult an attorney who handles personal injury claims to help you get your medical expenses payment plan on the right track.

If you need help dealing with bills after an accident, you can count on the expert personal injury attorneys at Young & Young Law in Indianapolis – contact us today for a FREE consultation!

What Does Super Lawyer Mean?

When Choosing A Lawyer or Law Firm for Your Case, Look at Their Legal Experience

I am a double Board Certified Trial Lawyer.  I am Certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and by the National Board of Civil Pretrial Practice Advocacy.  In order to achieve this status, I had to represent seriously injured Hoosiers in a number of cases.  This includes participating in trials, participating in the preparation necessary to bring the cases to trial and then passing an eight hour written test.  I have to renew my Certification every 5 years.  In other words, I earned this certification.  I earned it by representing Hoosiers in automobile collisions, semi tractor-trailer accidents, construction accidents, drunk driving accidents, road design cases and many, many more.  I earned this certification by representing seriously injured Hoosiers including those with paralysis, spinal cord injuries, brain injury, broken bones, wrongful death and more. I earned this certification through almost 25 years of hard work.

What is A Super Lawyer?

A Super Lawyer is an advertising gimmick.  You do not have to have any skill to be a super lawyer.  You do not have to have tried any cases.  You do not have to know anything about preparing a case for trial.  It is true that you have to be elected , at one point to be a Super Lawyer.  However, two of my partners have been Super Lawyers for more than ten years and they do not even know why.  In fact, one of my partners has complained to the Indiana Supreme Court that the Super Lawyers  gimmick is misleading to the public and is not a true reflection of a lawyers worth or merit.  You will see a magazine put out in a few weeks that has a bunch of glossy adds about Super Lawyers.  Know this about that, they are only ads, and the real reason it is being done is to make money by the magazine for the costs of the adds.

Be Careful Who You Hire As A Lawyer – ALWAYS Do Your Research First!

Choose A Top Law Firm with Years of Experience in Indianapolis

I know I am tilting at wind mills, but you do not select your doctor based on an ad, you ask people who they use or would recommend.  Why would you trust your case to a person about whom you know nothing other than that they advertise.  Consult your friends and family on important issues such as this.

Top Questions to Ask a Lawyer After A Car Accident

Were You Involved in an Auto Accident in Indiana?

Auto Accident in Indianapolis

You Should ALWAYS Consult with A Lawyer First

If you are in a serious personal injury collision you should consult with a lawyer before talking to the other parties insurance company.

A Lawyer Can Help Maximize Your Compensation

The reason is simple. The insurance company has an adjuster whose job it is to get facts regarding how the incident occurred and how you are injured.Their goal is to obtain facts that will allow them to minimize what they will compensate you for as a result of their insureds negligence.

When should you talk to a lawyer?

Soon after the incident to get advice on what things you should  do and what you should not do.  You might unknowingly do something that will make it more difficult for you to be compensated for your losses. There are also time limits that you need to know about that can affect your presenting a claim. They include statutes of limitations, insurance contract limitations and tort claim notices.Your failure to meet these deadlines can hinder or  preclude you from making a valid claim.

How do you find a lawyer?

The best way is to talk to your own lawyer if you have one and see if they do this type of law and if not have them refer you to a personal injury lawyer that they trust . If you do not have a lawyer ask your friends , relatives or co workers who they might suggest.

Do you have to sign a contract to talk to a lawyer?

No, A Lawyer SHOULD provide a FREE Consultation

A responsible and professional personal injury lawyer will consult with you regarding your case without charging you a fee for their time or making you sign a contract.  If you decide to hire them then they will work for you on what is called a contingency fee. This means they will only be paid if they are successful in obtaining a recovery for you.

You should make sure you are talking to a lawyer and not a staff member when you do your first consultation.  Also be sure the lawyer who is talking to you will be the one handling  your case.This  includes being  the one trying your case in the event it is not settled.

Learn valuable information about steps to take after your accident

The  lawyer in an initial consultation can tell you about time deadlines, whether to give a statement to the other side, where to send your medical bills and other details important to you and your claim.  No lawyer has a crystal ball and they can not tell you how long your case will take or how much it is worth at the initial meeting … They must get the facts before being able to give you reliable advice on those issues.  If they try to do that you should perhaps get a second legal opinion.

Don’t Be Pressured, Don’t Sign An Agreement For Simple Advice

If the lawyer tells you that you must sign an agreement before they can give you advise or answer your questions you should get a second opinion.  You should not let yourself be pressured into signing an agreement at the first meeting.  If you want to think about it or talk to someone you trust before signing you should.  Your decision to hire a personal injury lawyer to protect your interests is an important decision and you should choose a lawyer you trust and one who you feel will best represent your interests.

If you we’re involved in a car accident in Indianapolis, please contact the expert car accident attorneys at Young & Young Law today!

Serious Personal Injury and The Golden Rule

Indianapolis personal injury lawyerI have often said, but not as eloquently as I have recently read in the paper.  As you all know we represent Hoosiers seriously injured in auto accidents, construction accidents, semi tractor trailer accidents, drunk driving accidents and so on.  Our job is to advocate on behalf of  folks dealing with brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injury, paralysis, and wrongful death.  Our philosophy is that we only take serious injury cases with merit.  What I mean by this is that there is evidence that the person who we contend was negligent was actually negligent and that that negligence caused our clients injury.  We do not advertise.  We rely on other lawyers and former clients to recommend us to our clients.  In this way we know that our clients are taking the issues seriously.

Our greatest tool has always been what our mother taught us and what  we know your mother taught you.  If you make a mess you are responsible for cleaning it up.  We have always known we are not alone in making this a core value of our lives.  Yesterday, in the Indianapolis Star, we read the following and want to repeat it here as we think it sums up the essence of a meaningful life, and the essence of why injured people are entitled to be made whole when another causes their injury. The peace is entitled “Golden Rules for Living”,  by Miriam Hamilton Keare.

                 If you open it, close it.

                 If you turn it on, turn it off.

                 If you unlock it, lock it up                             

                 If you break it, admit it.

                 If you can’t fix it, call someone who can.

                 If you borrow it, return it.

                 If you value it, take care of it.

                 If you make a mess, clean it up.

                 If you move it, put it back.

                 If it belongs to someone else, obtain permission to use it.

                 If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone.

                 If it’s none of your business, don’t ask questions about it.

We hope you have a productive, healthy and joyous new year.

Five Things to Do if You Are Hurt in an Auto Accident

We’re You Injured in An Auto Accident?

If you are hurt in an auto accident whether it be auto, truck or motorcycle there are five things you should do to make sure that your rights are protected.

1) Call the Police & Obtain a Police Report

If there are injuries or property damage it is important to call the police and have them do a report. This better insures that you will get the other parties correct address and accurate insurance information.

2) Take Pictures / Videos of the Accident Scene

It is also important that you, if possible, or someone on your behalf take pictures of the scene, vehicles, skid marks and other drivers. This provides valuable information for later on if there is a dispute as to any facts.

This is easy now with most cell phones having cameras. If your phone  has video capability this can also be helpful, especially if the other driver is admitting their fault at the scene.  It is also important to get the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses at the scene. Often not all witnesses give statements and often not all witnesses appear in the police report.

3) Contact YOUR Insurance Company

You should contact your insurance company and find out what coverage’s you have that might apply.  You might have medical coverage that would supplement your health insurance and if you do not have health insurance it might pay some of your bills . Your property damage coverage could be helpful if the other sides insurance in reluctant to resolve your property damage claim. In serious personal injury claims uninsured and underinsured coverage’s might provide relief to you where the other driver either has no insurance or has  insufficient coverage.

4) If injured – Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

If you are injured you should seek medical treatment promptly because often the earlier treatment is sought it results in a better physical recovery.

5) Call A Lawyer to Get Legal Help

You should also call a lawyer that you know and find out if they do these types of cases. If they do not then ask them to refer you a trusted personal injury lawyer so that you can find out what you should do and not do. This will preclude your doing something that might  make any claim you might have more difficult or in the more extreme case miss a deadline that could result in your claim being denied.

It is ALWAYS a good idea to keep a copy of our Car Accident Checklist in your glovebox so that you are prepared incase of an accident. If you were in an accident and need help in Indianapolis, call the expert personal injury lawyers at Young & Young Law today!

Skills to Look for In A Social Security Lawyer

Yesterday, I spoke with a woman who received an unfavorable decision from the Administrative law judge on her Social Security Claim.  She called her lawyer and was shocked to find out that this lawyer would not pursue her claim in the next step in the appeals process.  A little background might be in order here.  The steps in a social security claim are 1. Application, 2. Request for Reconsideration, 3. Request for hearing Before Administrative Law Judge, 4. Appeal to the Appeals Council, 5. Appeal to Federal District Court, 6 Appeal to Federal Court Of Appeals, 7.  Appeal to Supreme Court of United States.   The lawyer did not refuse to file the appeal before the Appeals Council based on the merits of the client’s case.  He refused because that is not a part of his practice. In other words he either does not know how to file such an appeal or is too lazy to properly represent his client.  In either event, he should have told the client that he was only willing to go half way in representing her at the start.

Indiana Social Security LawyerYou might say that she could always get a second lawyer to finish the appeal, and you might be right.  However, there are many issues which attach to the case that make it more difficult for the client because of the lawyers refusal to fully represent her. First, when the Administrative Law Judge issues an opinion, the client has 65 days from the date on that letter to file their appeal with the Appeals Council.  This means that the client has to spend several days, probably weeks, trying to find a second lawyer.  That lawyer has to review the decision of the ALJ and the file and make a decision whether there are good reasons for an appeal.  This delay is nerve racking for the client.  They have pinned their hopes on receiving the benefits they believe they are due, and being turned down is bad enough without learning at the last moment that the representative they trusted is not going to help them any further.  Second, in many instances the first lawyer has not done all that should have been done to help the client.  In other words, he has made a mess of the case.  It is difficult to follow a lawyer who has made a mess of the case in the first place.  It is difficult because the burden of proof is different at the Appeals Council, and it is difficult to please somebody who has already been poorly represented in the first place.

To avoid these potential problems, ask your lawyer, up front, “Are you willing to represent me all the way through this process?”  If they say anything other than an unequivocal yes, find a lawyer who will.

Semi Tractor-Trailer Crashes, Car Crashes and the Little Black Box

Black Boxes Record Important Accident Information

What do semi tractor-trailer collisions, automobile collisions, drunk driving accidents and motorcycle collisions all have in common?  They are all likely to have data recording devices which can provide a huge amount of information about the vehicle involved in the crash.  I refer to this device as a black box.  I call it this because this is what we are accustomed to hearing when we hear about a plane crash.  It is a good descriptor because even though the data recording devices in land vehicles might not yet record as much information as a plane recorder, the technology is improving.  Depending how advanced the recorder is it probably records information such as the speed of the vehicle for twenty seconds prior to the crash.  This twenty seconds is likely to be broken into 10ths of seconds.  The device will also record acceleration, deceleration, timing of the application of brakes, whether the seatbelt was engaged, and much more.  The device will also record this information for several seconds after the crash.

Have Your Vehicle Towed After An Accident To Preserve Important Crash Information

The device is easily located within most cars, but it is best to have it accessed by an expert.  This insures that the information is properly preserved and admissible at any court proceedings. It is important to note that if the car is driven after the collision, the recorder will record over the information saved after the collision.  Therefore, if you are in a crash, and this information will be important, do not move the vehicles.  Allow them to be towed.  Contact an attorney immediately so that this vital evidence can be properly preserved.  We have a great deal of experience with these recording devices.  We know the experts who are trained to retrieve this information.  Give us a call so that we can help you and your family.

What is an Umbrella Policy of Insurance and What Does it Cover?

What is An Umbrella Insurance Policy?

As trial lawyers representing injured persons, we are often asked what is an umbrella insurance policy and why should I have one?  This is an important question because it affects others and yourself.  As any insurance policy is for the protection of others and yourself, the more coverage you purchase, the more you are protected.

What Does An Umbrella Insurance Policy Cover?

An umbrella policy is an “extra” policy on top of your regular policy (which can cover your home car or business).  The umbrella policy pays on a claim only after the underlying, or main, policy limits are paid in full.  Thus, as an example, if you are in a car accident that is your fault, and the person you hit is severely injured (brain injury, paralyzed, broken bones etc.) or killed, you would be protected against a judgment by that person against you up to the limits of your underlying (main) policy and the limit of your umbrella policy.

How to Get An Umbrella Policy?

Typically, insurance companies require a higher limit on the underlying policy before they will sell you an umbrella policy.  The underlying limit of coverage is usually required to be at least one hundred thousand dollars, sometimes two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, sometimes even more.  Umbrella policies usually are sold in million dollar increments.

In our example, if you purchased one hundred thousand dollars of coverage and a one million dollar umbrella policy, you would be protected from a claim by the injured person against you in the amount of one million one hundred thousand dollars.  If a judgment higher than that amount were entered against you, the injured person could collect the judgment against you by having the Sheriff execute on your property to pay the balance.

Why Get An Umbrella Insurance Policy?

Obviously, having enough insurance is important to protect, (1) to the injured person to compensate them for any harm you may cause); (2) your own assets; and (3) yourself in the case where the accident is not your fault but rather the fault of another driver.  If that other, at fault driver, has little or no insurance, you would still be protected by your own underlying policy and umbrella policy (be sure your company links the two policies together) for your own injuries, or loss of income from work caused by your injuries.  So, ask your insurance agent about umbrella insurance policies, and if you can do it, protect yourself and others with adequate insurance coverage for any serious injuries or death you might cause, or you might suffer at the hands of a negligent driver.

Understanding Your Rights in the New Year

I want to try and take a moment to ask all my readers to consider something from a new perspective.  Automobile accidents, construction injuries, drunk driving collisions, semi tractor trailers crashes all have one thing in common.  They both have the potential to cause Hoosiers serious personal injury.  These injuries can include wrongful death, spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia, broken bones, all of which can interfere with a person’s ability to support themselves and their family.

Indianapolis personal injury attorneyThe remedy granted to these people, by the United States Constitution, and the State of Indiana Constitutions is the right to a trial by jury when injured.  This is a right just like the right to free speech, the Right to Freedom of Religion and the Right to Keep and Bear arms. The right to free speech permits people to say offensive things, however it is an essential protection for the people against abusive government. The right to the freedom of religion has spawned much disagreement and litigation, however, the right to practice your religion as you wish is what sets us apart from the Taliban and other religious fanatics who would force you to practice only the religion of which they approve.  The right to bear arms results in many tragic deaths, however the right to bear arms has always been an essential bulwark against the tyranny of abuse.

Like these rights, the right to a trial by jury for injuries to persons and properties has difficulties.  One difficulty is those who would abuse the system for their own gain.  However, by far and large, the claims of injured persons are legitimate.  The system is very good at rooting out the fakers.  It is a system that is operated in the private sector free of the bureaucracy of bloated government.  It is self regulating.  The right to a trial by jury puts the individual on the same footing as the corporation, despite the disparity in wealth and resources of the corporation. As you sit in your kitchen, reading about a verdict for an injured person please bear in mind a few things.  A jury has listened to all the facts, the news story has very few facts, and those are not always accurate.  A person who has been injured has medical bills and has not been able to work.  The money they receive will help them pay their bills and get back to work able to earn, pay taxes and pull their own weight.  This is good for you, and it is good for everyone else.  Lastly for this missive is the fact that your mother was right when she taught you that if you make a mess you are obligated to make up for that harm.  If you hurt somebody, you make up for that harm by having your insurance company pay the injured person.

In this new year, keep in mind that  when corporations, the chamber of commerce and insurance companies tell us that we should do away with this system, they are really saying that your constitutional rights are not worth protecting.  If they can do away with one constitutional right they can do away with others, including the right to bear arms, and the right to say what you want. Do not ever let that happen.  Do not ever let them convince you that the injured person is the bad guy. The founding fathers knew better.

Social Security Disability Requires Medical Documentation

Indianapolis Social Security AttorneysYou have a disease or injury or illness.  You realize you can no longer work.  You know you have to file for Social Security Disability, but you are not sure of the first step.  Most people assume that the first step is to actually file for the Social Security Disability benefits.  This is a pretty good assumption.  However it is not completely accurate.  The first step is to see your doctor and have your disease , injury or illness documented.  The doctor will perform tests which will hopefully help the doctor reach a diagnosis and begin treatment.  This treatment might help you get over your condition.  If it does not help you get over your condition, all this work with your doctor will provide the foundation to support your Social Security Disability claim.

You  see, the Social Security Administration requires that the applicant provide documentation of their medical disability before they will grant benefits.  If you are unable or unwilling to provide documentation of your disabling condition, your chances of success on your application are much less than the claimant that has the medical tests and examinations that objectively document the disabling condition.  For psychological disabilities it is necessary that you have a longitudinal course of treatment to support your claim.  This means that you must establish a medical relationship with a psychiatrist, psychologist and or a counselor for several sessions to document your diagnosis, and to document the effect of treatment on the condition.

I am glad to talk with you about these requirements and help you with your application.  Please write or call so that we can discuss the issues important to you.

Drunk Driving is Not Christmas Spirit

Merry Christmas. What I want for Christmas is for every loved one to be home, in the bosom of their family for the season.   If we all pull together we can make this happen.  What I mean is do not drink and drive. Drunk Driving Accidents prevent loved ones from being with their families over the holidays. Drunk Driving crashes cause serious personal injury including, but not limited to broken bones, brain & spinal cord injuries, and wrongful death.  Brain injury not only takes the loved one out of the home and puts them in the hospital. Brain injury will affect the family every Christmas to come because of the care needed by the survivor, and the fact that brain injury changes the survivor, such that they may not be the same person they were. Spinal Cord injury, please don’t place this burden on a fellow Hoosier, and their family.

Drunk Driving crashes also take the driver out of the home.  If the drunk driver is not dealing with a serious personal injury, and in the hospital, then they will be in the drunk tank.  Either way, they are not home for Christmas.  Please don’t make little Billy and Suzie ask “where is my mommy?”  or “When is daddy coming home?”.  Be there for them.  Allow your fellow Hoosiers to be their for their families.  Give your keys to a designated driver.  Take a cab.  Walk home.  Call a friend, just don’t drive drunk.

Winter Driving Tips and Avoiding the Car Collision

Indianapolis Auto accident attorneys

Winter Driving Safety Tips: Be Prepared for Snow and Ice

As winter weather arrives, the first winter advisory of the season is now in effect. This is a good reminder to review winter driving safety with your family, especially new or young drivers. Winter conditions can be tricky, and preparing your driver with proper skills and knowledge can make all the difference.

Practice Winter Driving with Your Teen

We all remember thinking we knew everything when we first started driving, so simply lecturing your teenager may not be enough. Instead, take the opportunity for a practical, hands-on lesson. Head to a nearby empty parking lot where your new driver can practice essential maneuvers like braking, turning, and correcting skids. Snow and ice drastically change how a car handles compared to dry roads, and these experiences are invaluable for building confidence and skill.

  • Practice Braking: Teach your driver how to brake smoothly and avoid slamming on the brakes, which can cause skidding.
  • Turning and Over-Correcting: Show them how to make gradual, controlled turns and what to do if they over-correct during a slide.
  • Understanding Vehicle Control: While front-wheel drive cars offer better control in snowy conditions, they still require practice to navigate safely.

Key Winter Driving Safety Reminders

  1. Increase Following Distance: In snowy or icy conditions, give yourself more space between you and other drivers. Stopping distances are longer, and the risk of accidents is higher.
  2. Check Your Tires: Ensure your tires are properly inflated and have adequate tread. Worn tires can significantly reduce traction on slick roads.
  3. Plan Ahead: Give yourself extra time to reach your destination. Rushing in winter weather can lead to dangerous driving. A simple way to avoid stress is to leave 10-15 minutes earlier than usual.
  4. Inspect Your Vehicle: Before hitting the road, ensure your brakes are in good condition, and that all lights (headlights, taillights, brake lights) are functioning properly.
  5. Carry Emergency Supplies: Keep a bag of salt or sand in your car to help with traction if you get stuck. Also, always have an extra set of warm clothes and blankets, just in case you’re stranded or need to walk.
  6. Never Assume: Don’t assume you’ll be fine on a short trip—winter conditions can catch you off guard. Always wear a coat and keep it in your car, especially for unexpected delays.

Drive Safe and Enjoy the Holidays

The holidays are a time for family and joy, and nothing is more important than arriving safely. Slow down, stay patient, and remember that getting there a little earlier isn’t worth risking your safety. By taking extra care during your winter travels, you give the greatest gift to your loved ones—your safe presence with them during this special season.

What to Do If You’re Involved in an Accident

If you do find yourself in an accident this winter, it’s important to stay calm and know what steps to take. Make sure you have a copy of our glovebox checklist handy, which outlines the key actions to take after an accident. From exchanging information with the other driver to documenting the scene, having this checklist can ensure you’re prepared and protect your rights. If you need help in Indiana, don’t hesitate to contact the expert personal injury law firm at Young & Youngwe’ll help you get the compensation you deserve!

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.