Roadway Safety Over Labor Day And Every Day

Many Hoosiers will be sharing the roads with other travelers during the Labor Day holiday as the long weekend marks the unofficial end of summer. Indiana State Police will deploy extra patrols as part of the federally funded Operation CARE (Combined Accident Reduction Effort).  

Troopers will specifically look for motorists who speed, follow too closely, make unsafe lane changes, drive aggressively, and fail to buckle up or to use seat restraints for young children.  Patrol units will also be on the road looking for violations by commercial trucks drivers.

Another reason to stay vigilant behind the wheel and drive defensively: construction projects will continue to operate during the holiday weekend in Indianapolis and surrounding areas.

Here are some additional safety tips from the ISP that will allow you to do you part in minimizing the possibility of a road accident:

  • Make sure you are well rested; a fatigued driver is a dangerous driver
  • Avoid tailgating; increase your following distance between vehicles
  • Buckle-up
  • Let family know your route of travel and have your cell phone charged
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and driving

The accident attorneys at the Indiana personal injury firm of Young and Young in Indianapolis wish everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.