Police Officer, K-9, Killed by Drunk Driver

A horrific accident in Mishawaka, Indiana: A driver fleeing from a traffic stop on January 9 ran a red light and crashed into another police cruiser, tragically killing an officer and his police dog. The motorist, who apparently had an extensive rap sheet, allegedly registered a BAC of .239, almost three times the legal alcohol limit. His blood is also said to have tested positive for drugs. The motorist also apparently violated his probation by being out after 9 p.m. Police will arrest the man once he is released from the hospital.

A person under the influence that gets behind the wheel creates a lethal weapon. Obviously drunk drivers can wreak havoc on ordinary citizens as well as law enforcement personnel. In addition to criminal charges, the victim and/or the victim’s family can sue the offender for money damages in civil court.

Thousands of Hoosiers are killed, paralyzed, suffer spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputation, and wrongful death in a car accident with a drunk driver. Traffic accidents with drunk drivers cost injured or killed Hoosiers and their families dearly–not only in medical bills and lost income, but also in the loss of the injured or killed person’s love, attention, and affection. Young and Young has more than fifty five years of experience in ensuring that Hoosiers who are hurt by the drunk driver are fully compensated.  We stand ready to help.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.