Indiana Governor Signs Drew’s Law Expanding Drunk Driver Sanctions

Following up a previous post, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law the bill known as “Drew’s Law.” The measure was among 57 bills that the governor approved on March 12.

The law makes it a Class D felony to cause the death of an unborn child in a drunk driving accident. The bill is named in the memory of  Drew Steinberger, the unborn son of Danielle and Dustin Steinberger,  who was tragically killed on New Year’s Eve 2007 when the car his mother was driving was hit head-on by another driver.

The motorist of the other vehicle in this particular case was apparently believed to be drunk. Owing to a mix-up, however, authorities never took a blood sample, so there was no DUI prosecution.

The bill previously sailed through the Indiana Senate and House with no opposition. State Senator Allen Paul, R-Richmond, originally sponsored the bill at the request of the Steinberger family. A similar law is in effect in 36 other states.

Drew’s Law becomes effective in Indiana on July 1, 2010.

In addition to facing criminal charges, drunk drivers who injure other motorists or passengers can also be sued in civil court for money damages. If you or a loved one have been seriously hurt by a driver under the influence, please contact the personal injury lawyers at Young and Young in Indianapolis. We stand ready to assist. As we mentioned in another blog entry, we keep tabs on criminal prosecutions of drunk drivers,  including convictions or plea deals, which forms crucial evidence to help you recover fair compensation for your injuries in civil court.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.