Indiana Fatal Road Accidents Set Record Low

Some good news to start the year: According to Indiana State Police preliminary statistics, the number of traffic-related fatalities in 2009 was the lowest on record since the presidency of Calvin Coolidge. The last time less than 700 Indiana highway deaths occurred in a single year was 1925, when 670 persons lost their lives on the roads according to state Department of Health archives.  This result is even more noteworthy in that there are eight times more vehicles registered in Indiana now than in the “Roaring 20s.”

Year-end totals indicate 680 deaths on Indiana roads for 2009, representing a 16 percent drop from the previous year alone, even though Hoosiers apparently drove the same number of miles in both 2008 and 2009.

Authorities say that the improved statistics result from stricter enforcement of DWI, traffic safety, and seat belt laws, among other initiatives.  In particular, state police say that wearing a seat belt is the single most effective thing a motorist can do to survive a crash.

We certainly hope that Indiana traffic safety trends continue on this positive track through the new decade. The alternative can be very dangerous if not life threatening: a serious traffic accident caused by an impaired, reckless, or distracted driver can have devastating consequences on the victim and the victim’s loved ones. Young and Young has more than 55 years experience in ensuring that Hoosiers injured in car accidents are fully compensated. If you have been injured on Indiana roads, put our know-how to work for you.  To learn how our experience can benefit you and your family, contact us for a no-obligation consultation in Indianapolis.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.