Conventioneer Killed in Indianapolis By Suspected Drunk Driver

A pedestrian who happened to be attending a horror film convention was tragically killed in Indianapolis on Thursday morning. According to police, the victim, a California filmmaker and actor, was run over after an eastbound car swerved out of the traffic lane and struck him in the 7700 block of East 21st Street about 10:30 a.m. The victim died at the scene.

Police arrested the motorist on preliminary charges of DUI causing death and transported him to Wishard Memorial Hospital for a blood test. The test results are  pending, according to local news media. The victim was in Indianapolis for the HorrorHound Weekend convention at the Indianapolis Marriott East.

It is well documented that alcohol slows reaction times, impairs judgment, and leads to accidents, sometimes with fatal consequences. In addition to facing criminal charges, drunk drivers who injure or kill other motorists or passengers–or in this case, allegedly someone merely walking down the street– can also be sued in civil court for money damages. If you or a loved one have been seriously hurt by a driver under the influence, please contact the personal injury lawyers at Young and Young in Indianapolis to obtain full information about your legal rights. Young and Young will keep tabs on the criminal prosecution of drunk drivers, including convictions or plea deals, which forms crucial evidence to help you recover fair compensation for your injuries in civil court.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.