Alleged Drunk Driver Sends His Own Family To Hospital

It’s bad enough for a drunk driver to harm someone in another car, but it’s even more devastating when the driver’s own family winds up in the emergency ward perhaps because of incredibly irresponsible behavior by the head of the household.

Earlier this week, a motorist in Noble County, Indiana, failed to stop at an intersection and collided with another vehicle. The motorist had his wife and two young daughters (one of whom was a toddler) in the car, and the girls were flown to a Ft. Wayne hospital for treatment for internal injuries. Apparently neither child was buckled in which may have compounded their injuries.  According to media reports, police found open alcoholic beverage containers in and around the car. Police charged him with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, and he may have had prior convictions for the same offense. Additional felony charges may emerge from this incident. Fortunately no one was hurt in the other vehicle.

Someone who may be an active alcoholic has no business getting the wheel and putting his or her own family in harm’s way.  What about the other potential innocent victims too? In this particular incident, two families came close to almost being destroyed in a car wreck that apparently could and should have been avoided. What will take for people to get the message?

If you (or a loved one) have been injured in a drunk driving accident through no fault of your own, Young & Young wants to help you with our experience as Indiana drunk driving accident lawyers and attorneys. Call us toll free, at 1-888-639-5161, for a no-obligation consultation.

NOTICE: No face-to-face meeting needed. You can remain safely in your home from case signup to settlement.